A common characteristic of any city is change. The city’s evolution is a marriage of new builds and historic components to suit contemporary needs, all while honoring the heritage and foundation of the city.
Venice has manifested change in the form of public space devoted to arts and culture. The city decided 123 years ago that it would create a space to host La Biennale di Venezia, a biennial international arts exhibition that has become world renowned. The space has grown from hosting an arts festival every two years, to hosting festivals for music, theatre, cinema, and most recently, architecture. The space now holds 30 permanent pavilions designed by leading architects to showcase artistic works from different countries. Canada itself has a pavilion in this space.
Growing cities are faced with choices over what to do with public and private space, Calgary included. These decisions will impact the city in long-lasting ways, and require serious foresight from the community members and leaders. Often, sacrifice is needed in immediacy by the change-makers for long-term benefit. Venice is by no means an expansive city, yet prioritized a devoted space to the arts. Aside from beautifying the city, the Biennale has benefited the city’s name on an international level, which in turn has given value to real estate. Overall, the choice has improved the quality of life for its citizens.