As a Canadian, Remembrance Day is an important day to slow down and express gratitude that I live in a country that is strong and free, and to reflect on those who have made that a possibility. There are many ceremonies going on that allow for this reflection, so I attend one every year with my family. Here are a few that I like to attend:
1. Canada Pacific Remembrance Day Ceremony
Many Canadian Pacific employees have served our country, and CP likes to honour them with a public ceremony that takes place at CP’s Memorial Square in Ogden. This space was built to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the First World War. The ceremony begins at 10:40am. Visit http://www.cpr.ca/en/community/remembrance-day for more information.
2. Remembrance Day Ceremony at Battalion Park
Battalion Park was a site where about 45,000 men were trained for the Canadian Forces from 1914 to the 1990s. Now there are glyphs, formed by white washed stones, that memorialize battalions 137, 113, 151, and 51, three of which are still perpetuated by existing reserves. The ceremony takes place at 10:30am. Visit http://scacalgary.ca/2017/10/27/remembrance-day-ceremony-at-battalion-park-november-11-1030-am/ for more information.
3. Remembrance Day at the Military Museums
The Military Museums are a great place to learn more about what Canadians did to support various war efforts. Besides the museum space itself, there are great lecture series, films, and a gallery space that highlight historic and contemporary ideas and issues. For more information on the Remembrance Day service, which begins at 10:30am, visit: https://themilitarymuseums.ca/visit/events-and-exhibits/remembrance-day.